Thursday, July 10, 2014

Two chicken GO.

Hey lady, if you order to-go food 15 minutes before close at a restaurant, or anytime for that matter, leave a tip for the chef. Did you know the chefs get the tips on to-go food? Yep. They did all the work for that food you're eating, is it tasty?
So here's a tip:
You would tip if you ate at a restaurant, so tip if you're eating from a restaurant. Or just think about it. Will you enjoy the food you're about to eat? Do you appreciate the fact you don't have to cook for yourself?
You're in a position to do tremendous good for someone ... make it count. #thankachefgratuity

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Dear big data Developers:

I want to analyze my own data. Do they make personal sized big data analytics tools? Haha, it's called Google, right...except I don't know of that functionality of Google, I bet people would pay for it.
The mine-o-saurs would say "its my data, i should control it" point of view...however mine-os didn't buy or create the servers that make it all possible, someone's gotta pay. Cloud software services.

I need a tool that will go out and get all my data..the data collected that's tied to me.

Dear software group developers, please work on that ;)