Saturday, June 29, 2013

The joys of camping with kids

The great outdoors, gotta love getting out into nature for a little rest and relaxation, peace and quiet.  Ha, impossible with two kids.  Ben and I had good intentions of taking them for a hike to wear them out and ensure we had an early bedtime. Truly a laughable attempt. The first 4 minutes were great...they were asking questions about nature, trying to identify poison ivy, picking up walking sticks... but then it was a fight about who was going to be the leader, and someone's legs are tired, and then came the tears.

Does it get better? Silence is a state I hardly ever experience anymore. I miss my good buddy silence.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Dear Elizabeth

We're independent, humans. No, interdependent is more accurate.

This time of year, I celebrate your life...along with many others who knew you. Ben and I were talking about you tonight Beth! I'm sure you already know on some plane.

I'll never forget that time you and I went on a stealth tulip heist at Iowa State, or the Rob Zombie concert~ super fun times!!! Hanging around your apartment or getting ready to go out; dancing around and listening to Teenage FBI on repeat like 6 times. hahahaha ahhh, sigh.

You know, it doesn't really pay to be angry. I miss you everyday and think of you more. You inspire me to take life less seriously, and also to live it to the fullest. I thank God our paths crossed in life and hope I see you in heaven.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Life altering Habits

I have been telling my self for a while I should start running again... I mean a long while. Made a fleeting attempt around Memorial Day to tie into the new kicks. Twenty minutes and out. A start, but it fizzled by the time I got back to Minnesota.

Tonight is another beginning. If I had to estimate, I ran for a solid 1.5 miles... 2 tops. Again, a start. The challenge, clearly, is to form a habit. Exercise is painful, in the beginning...and it always is, no matter who you are. When you start to change, whether it be a lifestyle, a behavior, your body... there's pain involved.

If you have the right mental attitude, you can convince yourself that the pain is temporary and you'll get through it. When your legs start to feel weak, start using your core and arm muscles more and your body will carry on.

I have learned that my experiences are likely not at all unique. Even less unique are the lessons learned from my experience. As humans, we learn the same life lessons...and no one can teach us but ourselves. The key is, however, you need to go out and experience life in order to learn from it so what the heck are you waiting for?

Life is social, social is everywhere. Its the latest buzzword, and if you're not getting on the social bandwagon, you're likely to be left in the proverbial dust. But the heart of social lies in our human nature, our need to connect with others. Our longing for a sense of community, and contentment when we find ourselves a part of something greater is common to all least I imagine it is.

Each of us is unique, individually, but we share a collective humanity.

I decided tonight I'm going to form a new habit, well two new habits. I will start running in the evenings and blogging about my perception of life. Even though the human experience teaches the same lessons, each of our paths is truly unique. This is it if you're interested. Duh.